pp108 : onbeforebind Event

onbeforebind Event

Fires each time before a tuple is bound to HTML.


Inline HTML

<ELEMENT class="buscontrol" id=elementID onbeforebind="handler()"...>

Event property

elementID.onbeforebind = handler

Event Information

To invoke

Render the data retrieved from busdataisland using buscontrol.

Default Action

Fires the onbind event which binds the HTML to the XML data, and initiates any action associated with this event.

Event Object Properties

Although event handlers in the DHTML Object Model do not receive parameters directly, a handler can query an event object for data.




Read-only. Appropriate business element inside the tuple.


Read-only. Object that denotes the HTML element that functions as a template to bind the data of the busdataisland.


Read/Write. Boolean that indicates whether data is to be bound to the HTML element or not.

  • true- Default. Tuple will be bound to the HTML element.
  • false- Tuple will not be bound to the HTML element.


Read-only. Object that denotes the actual tuple that is to be bound to the HTML element.


This sample code demonstrates how the event can be used.

<!-- HTML definition for main table data (diEmployees - ID of the data island) -->
<div class="buscontrol" onbeforebind="blockBinding()" style="display:none">
    <div BusDataIsland="diEmployees" xql=".">
        <!-- HTML Content -->
//Function called on onbeforebind event of the buscontrol.
function blockBinding()
    //Get the business element
    var businessElmt = window.application.event.busObject;
    //Check if "Employees" is present in the tuple. If present, the return, else don't bind the data
    if (businessElmt.selectSingleNode(".//Employees"))
        //Return if present
        window.application.event.returnValue = true;
        window.application.event.returnValue = false;

See Also
